Partnership between Legit and SSST – Connecting the video game industry and the education system

Partnership between Legit and SSST – Connecting the video game industry and the education system

Our new partner – Faculty of Computer Sciences – program for development and design of video games of the University of Sarajevo School of Science and Technology. The partnership provides students with access to professional practice, internships, scholarships, and other opportunities for engagement and professional development in the Legit company. By connecting the private and…

Legit and Pan-European University “Apeiron” signed an agreement on educational and business cooperation

Legit and Pan-European University “Apeiron” signed an agreement on educational and business cooperation

This agreement enables university students to have internships, scholarships and other forms of engagement in the Legit with the aim of gaining practical experience and personal development. By formalizing the cooperation between the university and the Legit – the first video game development company in Banja Luka – a significant step forward in the process…

Saving the Day: How Gamification in ‘Pets Hero’ Transcends Entertainment

Saving the Day: How Gamification in ‘Pets Hero’ Transcends Entertainment

The stage is set, the stakes are high—the fate of our furry friends hangs in the balance! Did you try Pets Hero on App or Play Store, a game where the thrill of an alien invasion collides with a noble mission to save abandoned pets? Pets Hero isn’t just about battling extraterrestrial forces; it’s about…

Presentation of career opportunities in the gaming industry

Presentation of career opportunities in the gaming industry

Free courses, mentoring, and for the best – a paid internship in our company! A wonderful visit to Pan-European University APEIRON where we presented the potential of the domestic video game industry, and the numerous opportunities we can provide to students who want to step professionally into one of the most promising industries in the world.

First InterPlay Summit

First InterPlay Summit

InterPlay Summit exceeded all expectations! In one place, we gathered experts from pharmacy, academia, the video game industry, and public health, to jointly explore the potential of digitization and gamification. We want to thank all participants and guests, especially the mayor of Banja Luka, representatives of institutions and international organizations and our friends from Novo…

We gave a lecture at Sarajevo School of Science and Technology 

We gave a lecture at Sarajevo School of Science and Technology 

A great day is behind us, in which we gave a lecture at Sarajevo School of Science and Technology about the potential of the video game industry, our current and future projects. We would like to thank the organizers for the invitation, as well as all interested students for their questions. We hope and believe that some…

Leveling Up Your Business: The Power of Gamification in Products and Services

Leveling Up Your Business: The Power of Gamification in Products and Services

In a world where digital engagement is king, the gaming industry has unlocked a secret that extends far beyond entertainment: the art of gamification. It’s not just about scoring points or completing levels anymore. Gamification has become a powerful tool for transforming products and services across various industries, revolutionizing the way we interact, learn, and…

‘Lea and Leo’ – Understanding Type 1 Diabetes in Children through Video Game

‘Lea and Leo’ – Understanding Type 1 Diabetes in Children through Video Game

Welcome to the world of “Lea and Leo,” an innovative game made not just for entertainment but tool to raise awareness about the daily struggles faced by children living with diabetes. This captivating adventure isn’t just about fun; it’s an immersive experience aimed at educating players while fostering empathy and support for those battling this…

Legit’s role in Fostering the Domestic Gaming Industry

Legit’s role in Fostering the Domestic Gaming Industry

The global gaming industry is a thriving ecosystem, continually evolving and expanding its horizons. In the heart of this dynamic landscape lies the significance of cultivating a robust domestic gaming industry. A vibrant local gaming industry not only contributes to economic growth but also fosters innovation, creativity, and technological advancement. It becomes a hub for…